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Showing posts with the label class 12th

Soil profile

  Soil Profile The vertical and sequential arrangement of soil layers superimposed one above the other from the top surface to the unaffected rock below is termed as soil profile. The individual layers constituting the soil profile are called soil horizons. For instance, if we cut a vertical section of soil at a particular place, we clearly see different soil layers or horizons from top mature soil to the rock below. These horizons are formed through the differential downward movement of various materials such as organic matter, clay particles etc. moreover soil horizons vary in properties like colour, texture, structure, thickness, chemical composition, mineral content, consistency and reaction. In general soil profiles tend to become thicker, deeper and more altered over time. Soil profile can be as little as 10cm thick in immature soils and as deep as several meters in tropical areas. Soil profile is considered as one of the most important key factor for understandin...

Composition of Soil

  Composition of Soil Soil According to Soil Science Society of America, soil is defined as the unconsolidated mineral or organic matter on the immediate surface of the earth that serve as a natural medium for the growth of land plants. Composition of soil As far as the composition of the soil is concerned it is composed of four basic components: Minerals-           45% Organic matter 5% Water-               20-30 % Air-                   20-30% The amount of these components of the soil depends on the quality of vegetation, soil compaction and water present in the soil. But in reality the composition is very much complex and is dynamic in nature. The above four components are categorized under two headings solid phase and non-solid phase. Solid phase includes mi...

Wastewater Treatment Process

  Wastewater Treatment The water that has been used in various activities is termed as wastewater. It must be treated before its discharge into the environment. There are several stages of wastewater treatment. Wastewater treatment plants use primary, secondary and tertiary stages. 1.Primary treatment In this step waste water treatment primary treatment involves a number of physical process these include Screening In this process bar screens with 10 millimeters mesh size are used to block the flow of large floating debris like plastic cans, wrappers, wood pieces etc. so that they don’t enter into the next unit as these large debris may hinder the function of machinery to a great extent. Comminution In this process a comminutor is used to grind the debris that pass through the bar screen later on these grinded residue is removed by sedimentation. Grit removal In this physical process a large narrow tank is used to slow down the flow of incoming wastewater so th...

Marine pollution definition, types, sources and effects

  Marine Pollution The change in the physical chemical and biological properties of sea water upon the addition of toxic pollutants from a variety of source either intentionally or unintentionally which can have a devastating impact particularly on marine biodiversity is referred to as marine pollution. According to UN the introduction by man directly or indirectly of substances or energy to the marine environment resulting in deleterious effects such as: hazard to human health, hindrance to marine activities impairment of the quality of seawater for various uses and reduction of amenities. Types of marine pollution The circle of marine pollution is quite vast which encompass many types of pollution which have an adverse effect on marine ecosystem. these are: Chemicals Light Noise plastic pollution Sources of marine pollution 1. Domestic Sewage The sewage disposal into rivers lakes etc. ultimately reach the marine ecosystem it contains a variety of pathoge...

Control of water pollution

  Control of water pollution Water is one of the precious resource but in the present scenario this resource is under great threat and become a matter of great concern throughout the globe. Humans have polluted the water resources beyond expectation if this will continue and if no royal step is taken, no doubt in the near feature this problem become even worse this will not affect the humans but all other living creatures which finally create an ecological imbalance. Keeping this in view control of water pollution should be on the top of our priorities. As we know that sources of water pollution come from two sources point and non-point source. the former can be controlled easily whereas latter one is bit difficult. Control of the point source pollutants should be achieved by adopting the procedure of end of pipe controls and process control. Following control measures should be taken into consideration Domestic waste should not be thrown directly into water bodies. Domestic se...

Eutrophication, Process, Sources and Consequences

  Eutrophication The word eutrophication is derived from Greek words "eu” meaning abundant and “trophi” meaning food or nutrient, thus eutrophication is defined as the enrichment of an eco-system with nutrients which results in the abnormal increase in the growth of aquatic organisms. According to Nixon (1995) an increase in the supply rate of organic matter to an ecosystem is termed as eutrophication. Eutrophication is an environmental problem caused by the load of nutrients especially nitrogen and phosphorous in aquatic ecosystem (Johnson et al., 2007, Donal et al., 2011, costa et al 2018) According to Ospar 2003 the enrichment of water by nutrients causing an accelerated growth of algae and higher forms of plant life to produce undesirable distribution to the balance of organisms present in the water and to the quality of water concerned. Process of Eutrophication Nutrient loading causes a rapid elevation in primary production of  phytoplankton which resul...

water Pollution, Sources and Effects

  Water pollution The contamination of water due to various contaminants which change the properties of water and make it unfit or toxic for drinking or other purposes is referred to as water pollution. Water gets contaminated easily because it is considered as universal solvent. Water pollutants According to Tripathi et al., (1990) about 1500 substances have been listed as pollutants in freshwater ecosystem they come from different sources. Frank R. Spellman in his book the Science of Environmental Pollution mentioned eight chief water pollutants: Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD); Nutrients; Suspended Solids; pH, fats, oil and grease (FOG); Pathogenic microorganisms; Toxic pollutants; and nontoxic pollutants. Sources of water surface water The water which is present on the surface of earth in springs, ponds, rivers, lakes, oceans is known as surface water. Contamination of such water bodies is known as surface water pollution. Surface water is further classified as fr...