Marine Pollution
According to UN the
introduction by man directly or indirectly of substances or energy to the
marine environment resulting in deleterious effects such as: hazard to human
health, hindrance to marine activities impairment of the quality of seawater
for various uses and reduction of amenities.
Types of marine pollution
The circle of marine
pollution is quite vast which encompass many types of pollution which have an
adverse effect on marine ecosystem. these are:
- Chemicals
- Light
- Noise
- plastic pollution
Sources of marine pollution
1. Domestic
The sewage disposal into
rivers lakes etc. ultimately reach the marine ecosystem it contains a variety
of pathogens and oxygen demanding wastes, furthermore it also contain nutrients
such as phosphorous and nitrogen which finally alter the properties of seawater.
2. Industrial
Similarly, toxic
pollutants such as heavy metals and radioactive substances from the industries
end up in sea water and thus pollute them to a great extent.
3. Agricultural
The use fertilizer, pesticides,
herbicides and other toxic chemicals in agricultural fields reach the marine
water bodies through runoff and water ways.
4. Sedimentation
Soil erosion of adjacent coastal
areas, as a result of storms and floods and other anthropogenic activities such
as mining, deforestation etc., wash away sediments containing heavy metals and
other debris into marine environment and become a cause pollution.
5. Solid
The dumping of solid
wasted directly into marine water which consists of various materials such as plastic,
electronic wastes, glass etc. contaminate the marine water to a great extent.
6. Oil
Oil spills from land transportation sources as well as from the marine transportation, accidental leakage of oil during transportation is considered as one of the most potent factor of marine pollution.
7. Ship
building and repair
While performing these tasks a lot of waste is generation into the marine ecosystem such as scraped materials which have antifouling paints.
8. Alien speciesThe introduction of
foreign species acts as nuisance which easily invade the new environment and
thus become a source pf marine pollution.
9. Atmospheric
Atmospheric deposition
loaded with toxic pollutants settle on the ocean surfaces and result in huge
10. Deep
sea mining
The extraction of
minerals gas and oil from the sea bed results in the mobilization of heavy
metals, radioactive substances and other toxic gases inside the marine
ecosystem and become a major cause in polluting the marine water
11. Marine
A number of means of transports
are used as on sea water, they release toxic gases such as NOX and Sox and chemicals
into the water and thus pollute it.
12. Volcanic
eruption in the sea bed
It is natural phenomenon
which takes place inside the sea resulting in the release of toxic chemicals
and excessive heat energy in to the marine environment.
13. Seismic
These surveys are
performed inside the sea in which heavy explosive sounds create noise pollution
in marine environment.
14. Costal
The residents along the
coastal areas through large quantities of wastes directly into sea water.
15. Testing
of nuclear weapons
Almost every country uses
marine ecosystem for testing their nuclear weapons, these weapons are loaded
with heavy metals and toxic chemicals on exploding them inside the marine water
these toxic substances are released into the water.
Effects of marine pollution
Marine pollution does not
only alter the physical, chemical and biological properties of marine water but
their inhabitants, and the one who depend on marine resources for food and
other purposes.
1. Death
of marine biota:
Marine pollution effects
the marine creature to a great extent the sensitive species die due to marine
2. Impact
on human health:
humans depend on oceans for
a variety of purposes such as food, water etc., these accumulate toxic
substances in their bodies which transfer into humans when they consume such
toxic marine food like fishes. Now this toxic substance enters into human body
and show bio magnification.
Various types of
pathogenic diseases such as cholera typhoid etc. also spread through polluted
marine water in the residents of coastal areas.
Swimmers develop skin
infections when they swim in polluted marine water.
3. Ocean
As we know that oceans
are considered as the sinks of carbon dioxide but the rising level of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere result in the dissolution of calcium carbonate
substances which show adverse effect on coral reefs and hinder egg shell
4. Reduction
of dissolved Oxygen (DO):
Lager amount of DO is
required to breakdown the oxygen demanding pollutants which result in the
reduction of DO.
5. Decrease
in photosynthesis:
The suspended particulate
matter and the turbidity of marine water hinder the penetration of sunlight
which effect the diversity of photosyntesizing organisms.
6. Eutrophication:
The excessive nutrient
load speeds up the growth of phytoplankton and algae with the passage of time this
pollution results in the eutrophication
7. Social
Marine pollution also spread water on social benefits.
8. Economic
Marine environments are considered as very aesthetic sites, people visit these sites for recreational purposes which generate huge revenue for the local governments, but pollution of marine environment mull all these economic opportunities to a great extent.
The elite indicators of marine pollution are:
- stomach-turning odor
- decrease in fish diversity
- uncontrolled weed growth
- oil deposit scums
- floating solid wastes
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