Previous Year Question Papers of
Jammu and Kashmir State Board of
School Education
CLASS: 12th Year 2018
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70
1. Define air pollution. Describe any four sources of air
Describe very briefly any five measures taken by Govt.
of India in controlling air pollution
2. Write a detailed note on survivorship curves.
Define population dynamics. Explain any four factors
which affect population and its growth.
3. Define ecosystem stability and write a detailed
account of resilience stability
What is social impact assessment? describe its various
4. What is greenhouse effect? Give its causes and impacts
on our planet.
What is global warming?
Describe the different approaches to combat global warming with reference to
third world interests.
( 3 Marks Each)
5. Write a note on environmental impact assessment.
6. List any six factors which determine population.
7. Define succession. Differentiate primary succession
from secondary succession.
8. What is technology? What are the various aspects of technology?
9. What are appropriate technologies? give the criteria
for appropriateness of any technology.
10.What is ozone depletion? Give its ill effects.
11. What were the primary objectives of legislation in India?
12. Why is Environment Protection Act, 1986 called the
Umbrella Act?
Short Answer Type Questions
13. What is the principle of electrostatic precipitators?
14. What is realized natality?
15. What are the ill effects of global warming?
16. What is the role of scoping in EIA?
17. In wind, power, which form of energy is converted into
18. What are features of the renewable source of energy?
19. Write a short note on Earth Summit.
20. List the various objectives of WTO.
Objective Type Questions
(1 Marks Each)
21. Do as directed:
i. Indian state with highest population density is:
(A) West Bengal (C) Bihar
(B) Maharashtra (D) Punjab
ii. Study of population trend is called:
(A) Biography
(C) Demography (D)
all of these
iii. The vital index means:
Natality - Mortality (B) Natality
x Mortality
Mortality- Natality (D) Natality x 100
iv. Pyramid of energy in a pond ecosystem is always:
(A) Linear (B) inverted
(C) Irregular (D) Upright
v. The 10% law of energy transfer in a food chain was given
(A) Stanley (B)
(C) Lindemann
(D) Wismann
vi. Define hydroelectric energy.
vii. Write one renewable source of energy.
viii. Bifertilizer is:
(A) Manure (B) Compost
(C) Microorganism
(D) All of these
ix. The Bt gene is isolated from organism called:
(A) Brassica napus
(B) Rhizobium
(C) Azolla (D) Bacillus Thuringiensis
x. Expand G.M.O.
Answer Type Questions
1.Define air pollution. State briefly
any four causes of air pollution. Write names of any two control measures.
Define noise pollution. List its
causes. How can it affect the human life?
2.Define water pollution. List its
causes. How can we adopt control measures for controlling it?
Give a detailed account on sewage
3. Define soil erosion? Give its causes.
How can it be controlled?
What is soil pollution? How is it
caused? Give some control measures.
4. What do you mean by hazardous waste?
List its characteristics.
Describe very briefly management of
hazardous wastes.
Shirt Answer Type Questions
5. Give briefly control measures for
noise pollution.
6. What do you mean by eutrophication?
7. List various causes of soil pollution
8. Define hazardous waste. Give its any
two characteristics.
9. Write a brief note on biodiversity
in-situ conservation.
10. Give briefly causes of Global
11. What is Acid Rain? Write briefly.
12. What do you mean by sustainable
Very Short Answer Type Questions
13. Briefly, write hoe does noise
pollution affect the human health?
14. Write two silent features of water
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) act, 1974.
15. What do you mean by biodiversity?
16. What are endangered species?
17. What is the impact of soil pollution?
18. What is smog?
19. Name Indian soil types.
20. What is environmental Impact Assessment?
Objective Type Questions
21. Do
as directed:
i. What does the term BOD stand for?
ii. COD stands for Chemical Oxygen
Demand. (True/False)
iii. Define solid waste management
iv. Main sources of solid wastes are
domestic, commercial, industrial and agricultural activities. (True/False)
v. What is species diversity?
vi. Define Global Warming.
vii. In-Situ conservation of biodiversity
includes conservation on___________.
viii. Expand the term IUCN
ix. Acid rain is mainly caused by
(increased concentration in atmosphere)
(A) Ozone and Dust (B) NO2
and SO2
x. Sustainable development includes improving the quality of Earth’s Vitality and Biodiversity (True/False)
Long Answer Type Questions
1. Define population. What are the
various characteristics of a population?
Define Survivorship Curve. What are different
types of survivorship curves that are possible on the basis of survivorship and
2. What is succession? Describe its
various stages.
What are the types of
inter-relationships among organisms of same or different species in an
3. What are the potentials and
limitations of biotechnology?
What are appropriate and sustainable
technology? Why and how can we re-orient technology for sustainable
4. What are local and global
consequences and impacts on human life due to global warming?
Explain the sources and causes of
ground water pollution.
Short Answer Type Questions
5. What do you mean by social forestry?
Give its two benefits.
6. What are rapid appraisal methods?
7. What is technology? What are the two
aspects of technology?
8. What is the significance of secondary
treatment of waste water?
9. What is the role of legislation to
check the air pollution?
10. How is energy generated in the sun?
11. Why is EPA, Act of 1986 called
Umbrella Act?
12.What is WTO? Discuss its two functions,
Very Short Answer Type Questions
13.What is genetic erosion?
14. What are pioneers and Primary
15. Enlist two applications of solar
16. What is desulphurization?
17. What is the significance of ISO
18. Expand UNCLOS.
19. What are marginal lands?
20. What is ozone hole?
Objective type Questions
22. Do
as directed;
i. Every year how many individuals are
being added to the existing human population of the world?
(A) 40 million (B) 70 million
(C) 80 million (D)
90 million
ii. ____________have primarily been use
to monitor environmental accumulation of chemicals
iii.____________checklists are based on set
of questions to be answered
(A) Descriptive (B)
(C) Simple (D) Questinnaire
iv. Out of the following, which is the most widely used source of electricity in India?
(A) Hydro power plants
(B) Wind energy
(C) Thermal power plants
(D) Geothermal plants
v. How can HIV not be
(A) Saliva (B) Blood or Blood products
(C) Breast milk (D) Semen or Vaginal secretios
vi. What is the biggest
source of nitrate pollution in water?
(A) Agricultural
runoff (B)
Human waste
(c) Jhum Cultivation (D) Harvest of Timber
vii. Which is the cleanest
fossil fuel?
viii. Expand GER.
ix. When was the water
(prevention and control of pollution Act, passed
(A) 1951 (B) 1965
(C) 1974 (D) 1978
x. When was the Ministerial
Conference held in Delhi
(A) 1980 (B) 1991
(B) 1995 (D) 2001
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