Wastewater Treatment The water that has been used in various activities is termed as wastewater. It must be treated before its discharge into the environment. There are several stages of wastewater treatment. Wastewater treatment plants use primary, secondary and tertiary stages. 1.Primary treatment In this step waste water treatment primary treatment involves a number of physical process these include Screening In this process bar screens with 10 millimeters mesh size are used to block the flow of large floating debris like plastic cans, wrappers, wood pieces etc. so that they don’t enter into the next unit as these large debris may hinder the function of machinery to a great extent. Comminution In this process a comminutor is used to grind the debris that pass through the bar screen later on these grinded residue is removed by sedimentation. Grit removal In this physical process a large narrow tank is used to slow down the flow of incoming wastewater so th...
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